Crossing the Midline
What is crossing the midline and why does my occupational therapist want us to work on it?
Dressing Milestones: What they reveal about your child’s development!
We all know that our children should sit up at 6 months, crawl at 9 months, and walk at around a year old. However, have you thought about when your child should be dressing themselves?
Tips for Successful Distance Learning
Many parents are adjusting to the new normal of distance learning. We understand how difficult this transition can be so here are some of our best tips. Let us help your child find success in distance learning!
Common Questions You Might Have About Your Child’s Speech and Language Development
Common Questions You Might Have About Your Child’s Speech and Language Development Q: What do clinician’s mean when they use terms like speech, language and communication? A: Knowing what these terms mean is helpful when determining what area your child has a delay or disorder. These 3 separate terms help us better understand how to meet your child’s individual needs. Speech is communication through the use of spoken words that are made up of sounds. An example of an articulation error
How to Give Kids Effective Instructions
The first step to harmony is teaching your child to listen and follow directions One of the most important keys to minimizing problem behavior is making sure that kids are getting the message you’re trying to send. When it comes to parenting, sometimes the way instructions are given can be just as important as what you’re trying to communicate. Here are ways to present information to your children to make it more likely that they’ll hear you, and comply: Be
How to Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns
Tips for helping children learn better ways to express powerful emotions Caroline Miller The first thing we have to do to manage tantrums is to understand them. That is not always as easy as it sounds, since tantrums and meltdowns are generated by a lot of different things: fear, frustration, anger, sensory overload, to name a few. And since a tantrum isn’t a very clear way to communicate (even though it may be a powerful way to get attention),
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